Two steps forward, two steps back…

Two steps forward, two steps back…

Two steps forward, two steps back. The highs and lows of this situation is as mind blowing as being on a theme park roller coaster – expect, it’s no fun. Ericka has started to develop more blood clots during the day and they are holding off on taking her off the ventilator at this time.

We are all very clear on the long game, get Ericka moved to another facility that specializes in this area. The yardstick for the daily/hourly tactical goals however, is a continuous moving target. Kennestone Hospital has been great, but I’ve got to get Ericka moved!

I’m pushing hard!!


4 thoughts on “Two steps forward, two steps back…

  1. Hello classmates,
    Thank you for sharing your most personal blessing with us. I’m praying for ericka. God is faithful and I know he have a miracle in the making. I encourage you guys to Trust him, worship him and thank him for his healing power toward her. He’s knows her heart and he’s holding her in the palm of his hands. Trust me I’ve been through some dark moments and I’ve never seen God forget his promises. Bless you guys and family❤️. She’s safe in his arms.

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